
The Election object represents an Election Day, which usually consists of many individual contests and/or referenda. A feed must contain exactly one Election object. All relationships in the feed (e.g., street segment to precinct to polling location) are assumed to relate only to the Election specified by this object. It is permissible, and recommended, to combine unrelated contests (e.g., a special election and a general election) that occur on the same day into one feed with one Election object.

Tag Data Type Required? Repeats? Description Error Handling
Date xs:date Required Single Specifies when the election is being held. The Date is considered to be in the timezone local to the state holding the election. If the field is invalid, then the implementation is required to ignore the Election element containing it.
ElectionType InternationalizedText Optional Single Specifies the highest controlling authority for election (e.g., federal, state, county, city, town, etc.) If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
StateId xs:IDREF Required Single Specifies a link to the State element where the election is being held. If the field is invalid, then the implementation is required to ignore the Election element containing it.
IsStatewide xs:boolean Optional Single Indicates whether the election is statewide. If the field is not present or invalid, the implementation is required to default to “yes”.
Name InternationalizedText Optional Single The name for the election (NB: while optional, this element is highly recommended). If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
RegistrationInfo InternationalizedText Optional Single Specifies information about registration for this election either as text or a URI. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
AbsenteeBallotInfo InternationalizedText Optional Single Specifies information about requesting absentee ballots either as text or a URI If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
ResultsUri xs:anyURI Optional Single Contains a URI where results for the election may be found If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
PollingHours [deprecated] InternationalizedText Optional Single Contains the hours (in local time) that Election Day polling locations are open. If polling hours differ in specific polling locations, alternative hours may be specified in the PollingLocation object (NB: this element is deprecated in favor of the more structured :ref:`multi-xml-hours-open` element. It is strongly encouraged that data providers move toward contributing hours in this format). If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
HoursOpenId xs:IDREF Optional Single References the HoursOpen element, which lists the hours of operation for polling locations. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
HasElectionDayRegistration xs:boolean Optional Single Specifies if a voter can register on the same day of the election (i.e., the last day of the election). Valid items are “yes” and “no”. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
RegistrationDeadline xs:date Optional Single Specifies the last day to register for the election with the possible exception of Election Day registration. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
AbsenteeRequestDeadline xs:date Optional Single Specifies the last day to request an absentee ballot. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
<Election id="ele30000">
    <Text language="en">General</Text>
    <Text language="es">Generales</Text>
    <Text language="en">2013 Statewide General</Text>