Data Best Practices

Following is a series of best practice for data collection and file creation and suggestions about best practices of formatting data within your VIP XML and CSV file.

Naming convention

While many of the Voting Information Project’s data processes are managed by software, the quality of the entire system relies on human intervention, especially for error reporting and quality control. For this reason, VIP files should follow a naming convention that describes the contents of each individual feed file in an accessible way.

The file containing the VIP feed should be named using the following convention:


An explanation of each of the segments of the file naming convention above are as follows:

  • ${FIPS} - The FIPS code for the jurisdiction.
  • ${ELECTION_DATE} - The date of the election in ISO 8601 format.
  • ${STATE} - The full state name (e.g. Alaska, Arkansas, etc…) and not the abbreviation. If there are spaces in the state name, they should be substituted with underscores (e.g. New York -> New_York).
  • ${LOCAL} (optional) - This additional identifier should be used if the file contains data from a specific jurisdiction. As with ${STATE} above, all spaces should be substituted with underscores. For example, if the data contained in the file only covers Maricopa County, AZ for the November 6, 2012 election, the file name would be vipfeed-04013-2012-11-06-Arizona-Maricopa_County.xml.
  • {xml|zip} - If the file is an uncompressed XML document, the extension should be .xml. If the file is zipped, the file extension should end with .zip.

For a final example, denotes Iowa’s (NB: the FIPS code for IA is 19) feed for the Nov 6, 2012 election that has been compressed.

Element Identifiers

Most elements within the VIP feed require unique identifiers, xs:ID data types. Conformance to xs:ID requires the identifying record to:

  • begin with a letter or underscore
  • only contain letters, digits, hyphens and periods
  • be unique across the VIP data set

In order to maintain uniqueness and provide context for the identifiers, the best practice is to use Hungarian-Style notation for identifiers.

ID values should follow Hungarian-Style notation, were the identifier prefix implicitly names the data element. Below is a list of preferred prefixes by element (e.g. par00001 for a Party id):

Element Prefix
BallotMeasureContest bmc
BallotMeasureSelection bms
BallotStyle bs
Candidate can
CandidateContest cc
CandidateSelection cs
ContactInformation ci
Election ele
ElectionAdministration ea
ElectoralDistrict ed
HoursOpen hours
Locality loc
Office off
OrderedContest oc
Party par
PartyContest pc
PartySelection ps
Person per
PollingLocation pl
RetentionContest rc
Source src
State st
StreetSegment ss

File Structure

All XML and CSV files should be encoded UFT-8 and line breaks should be LF (\n) as opposed to CR LF (\r\n).

For consistency across files and to aid human readability all indentation of elements should be an indent of two spaces and tabs should not be used. Each child node of an element should also be indented an additional two spaces.

General Data Structure

All data that are presented to end users of the data (i.e. contest names, referendum text, polling location names, street names, proper names), where possible, should be converted to Title Case to aid readability.

All data should be trimmed to remove leading and trailing white space.

Optional elements without values should be omitted from XML feed.

Specific Data Types

Elements with a data type of xs:integer must contain a valid whole number greater than zero.

Elements with a data type of xs:anyURI should be entered as a fully qualified domain name (e.g.

Elements with a data type of xs:dateTime should be entered in ISO-8601 format.

Elements with a data type of xs:boolean should either have a value of true or false

Elements with a data type of xs:language should contain a two character, lower-case, value corresponding to the ISO 639 standard.

Elements that have enumerations which include an other should have a corresponding value assigned to OtherType within the containing element. For example:

<BallotMeasureContest id="bm390616670907">
   <Name>Proposed Tax Levy School District</Name>
     <Text language="en">An additional tax for the benefit of the Lockland Local School District, County of Hamilton,
     Ohio, for the purpose of CURRENT EXPENSES at a rate not exceeding eleven and two-tenths (11.2) mills for each
     one dollar of valuation, which amounts to one dollar and twelve cents ($1.12) for each one hundred dollars of
     valuation, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2015, first due in calendar year 2016.</Text>
     <Text language="en">4 Proposed Tax Levy</Text>

Specific Data Elements

Street Segments: Valid street segment records should not contain leading zeros in xs:integer fields and should have a Zip value of 00000 if a value is unknown.

External Identifiers: External identifiers with an enumeration of fips should contain valid FIPS code values as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. External identifiers with an enumeration of ocd-id should contain a valid Open Civic Data Division Identifier.

For long text fields (e.g. FullText in BallotMeasureContest) the XML line break (&#xA;) should be used to enforce line break styling.

In all fields the characters <, >, and & should be encoded &lt;, &gt;, and &amp; respectively.