
The Election Administration represents an institution for serving a locality’s (or state’s) election functions.

Tag Data Type Required? Repeats? Description Error Handling
absentee_uri xs:anyURI Optional Single Specifies the web address for information on absentee voting. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
am_i_registered_uri xs:anyURI Optional Single Specifies the web address for information on whether an individual is registered. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
ballot_tracking_uri xs:anyURI Optional Single Specifies the web address for tracking information for a ballot cast by mail If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
ballot_tracking_provisional_uri xs:anyURI Optional Single Specifies the web address for tracking information for a provisional ballot. To support EAC guidelines for “Processing Provisional Ballots” (https://www.eac.gov/research-and-data/provisional-voting/) If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
department department Required Repeats Describes the administrative body for a particular voter service. There must be at least one valid Department in each ElectionAdministration element. If no valid Department objects are present, the implementation is required to ignore the ElectionAdministration object that contains it/them.
election_notice election_notice Optional Single A place for election administrators to post last minute and emergency notifications pertaining to the election. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
elections_uri xs:anyURI Optional Single Specifies web address the administration’s website. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
registration_uri xs:anyURI Optional Single Specifies web address for information on registering to vote. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
rules_uri xs:anyURI Optional Single Specifies a URI for the election rules and laws (if any) for the jurisdiction of the administration. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
what_is_on_my_ballot xs:anyURI Optional Single Specifies web address for information on what is on an individual’s ballot. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
where_do_i_vote_uri xs:anyURI Optional Single The Specifies web address for information on where an individual votes based on their address. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
 ea123,https://example.com/absentee,https://example.com/am-i-registered,https://www.vote.virginia.gov/,https://www.vote.virginia.gov/,This is an emergency notification for this election.,https://www.yadayada.gov,https://example.com/elections,https://example.com/registration,https://example.com/rules,https://example.com/what-is-on-my-ballot,https://example.com/where-do-i-vote
 ea625,https://example.com/absentee3,https://example.com/am-i-registered3,https://example.com/elections3,https://example.com/registration3,This is an emergency notification for this election.,,https://example.com/rules3,https://example.com/what-is-on-my-ballot3,https://example.com/where-do-i-vote3


Tag Data Type Required? Repeats? Description Error Handling
contact_information contact_information Optional Single Contact and physical address information for the election administration body (see contact_information). If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
election_official_person_id xs:IDREF Optional Single The individual to contact at the election administration office. The specified person should be the election official. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
voter_service multi-csv-voter-service Optional Repeats The types of services and appropriate contact individual available to voters. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.


Tag Data Type Required? Repeats? Description Error Handling
contact_information contact_information Optional Single The contact for a particular voter service. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
description xs:string Optional Single Long description of the services available. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
election_official_person_id xs:IDREF Optional Single The authority for a particular voter service. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
type voter_service_type Optional Single The type of voter service. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
other_type xs:string Optional Single If Type is “other”, OtherType allows for cataloging another type of voter service. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
 vs01,A service we provide,per50002,other,overseas-voting,dep01
 vs00,Elections notifications,per50002,other,voter-registration,dep02
 vs02,Pencil sharpening,per50002,other,office-help,dep03
 vs03,Guided hike to polling place,per50002,other,polling-places,dep03
 vs04,Bike messenger ballot delivery,per50002,other,absentee-ballots,dep03


For defining contact information about objects such as persons, boards of authorities, organizations, etc. ContactInformation is always a sub-element of another object (e.g. election_administration, office, person, source). ContactInformation has an optional attribute label, which allows the feed to refer back to the original label for the information (e.g. if the contact information came from a CSV, label may refer to a row ID).

Tag Data Type Required? Repeats? Description Error Handling
address_line xs:string Optional Repeats The “location” portion of a mailing address. See usage note. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
directions xs:string Optional Single Specifies further instructions for locating this entity. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
email xs:string Optional Repeats An email address for the contact. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
fax xs:string Optional Repeats A fax line for the contact. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
hours xs:string Optional Single Contains the hours (in local time) that the location is open (NB: this element is deprecated in favor of the more structured :ref:`multi-csv-hours-open` element. It is strongly encouraged that data providers move toward contributing hours in this format). If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
hours_open_id xs:IDREF Optional Single References an hours_open element, which lists the hours of operation for a location. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
lat_long lat_long Optional Single Specifies the latitude and longitude of this entity. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
name xs:string Optional Single The name of the location or contact. See usage note. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
phone xs:string Optional Repeats A phone number for the contact. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
uri xs:anyURI Optional Repeats An informational URI for the contact or location. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
 ci0827,The White House,1600 Pennsylvania Ave,,,josh@example.com,,Early to very late,,,,,Josh Lyman,555-111-2222,http://lemonlyman.example.com,off001
 ci0828,The White House,1600 Pennsylvania Ave,,,josh@example.com,,Early to very late,,,,,Josh Lyman,555-111-2222,http://lemonlyman.example.com,vs01


Tag Data Type Required? Repeats? Description Error Handling
election_notice_text xs:string Required Single The last minute or emergency notification text should be placed here. If the element is invalid, then the implementation is required to ignore the ElectionNotice element containing it.
election_notice_uri xs:string Optional Single Optional URL for additional information related to the last minute or emergency notification. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.


Tag Data Type Required? Repeats? Description Error Handling
contact_information contact_information Optional Single The contact for a particular voter service. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
description xs:string Optional Single Long description of the services available. If the element is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
election_official_person_id xs:IDREF Optional Single The authority for a particular voter service. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
type voter_service_type Optional Single The type of voter service. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
other_type xs:string Optional Single If Type is “other”, OtherType allows for cataloging another type of voter service. If the field is invalid or not present, then the implementation is required to ignore it.
 vs01,A service we provide,per50002,other,overseas-voting,dep01
 vs00,Elections notifications,per50002,other,voter-registration,dep02
 vs02,Pencil sharpening,per50002,other,office-help,dep03
 vs03,Guided hike to polling place,per50002,other,polling-places,dep03
 vs04,Bike messenger ballot delivery,per50002,other,absentee-ballots,dep03